Breana White of The Postpartum Stories Podcast

Breana and Rhylie White — Photograph by Paige Driscoll

Breana and Rhylie White — Photograph by Paige Driscoll

Partner Profile

Happy 2020, GRK community! We hope your year is off to a good start and you are feeling inspired by the energy that a new year always seems to bring. We have been enjoying a much needed break — relaxing, reflecting, resetting, traveling, and planning the year ahead. We are looking forward to getting back in the kitchen and sharing more delicious food — GRK favorites, as well as freshly crafted seasonal offerings. In addition to our culinary excitement, we are also thrilled to expand our vision by sharing and inspiring through the “Rooted” blog. 

This week, we had the pleasure of connecting with Breana White — podcast host, foodie, entrepreneur, wife, and mom/personal chef to her daughter, Rhylie. If you follow us on Instagram, you may have seen us mention her podcast — The Postpartum Stories Podcast (@postpartumstoriespodcast). Her podcast connects moms to share their stories of what it was like in the transition from maiden to mother, diving into the unknown of life as a mom, and what they wish they would have known. The podcast is her passion project, which has connected her to an even deeper passion — food and nutrition. 

Rhylie’s Pops — Photograph by Brittany Cole

Rhylie’s Pops — Photograph by Brittany Cole

A New Way

Breana has lived and worked in the culinary world; she completed Cabrillo’s culinary program, started her own catering and personal chef businesses, and her mobile bar — Kraft Bar ( Breana’s culinary background inspired her to craft her own baby food when her daughter was ready for solid food. On her busiest days, when cooking wasn’t an option, she browsed the grocery stores, like many mothers, looking for quality food for her daughter. She was quickly appalled at the quality of baby food, even in natural food stores — shelf stable food heated to extreme temperatures, stripped of nearly all nutrition. She discovered a theme in that most baby foods are high in sugar with very little protein.

Breana’s frustration turned into a mission to create something different from anything currently on the market. She is driven to make fresh baby food that tastes delicious and is not loaded with preservatives. Currently, she is crafting a line of healthy popsicles — Rhylie’s Pops — for children AND adults. These popsicles are special because they are packed with whole foods and craveable flavor. Popsicles are a simple way to boost your little one’s nutrition in a sneaky way.

Breana is also focused on creating a baby food meal kit that will feature her all-organic nutrient-dense meals — prepped vegetables, quality-sourced bone broths and easy to follow recipes. The goal of this product is to make life easier for parents and get their kids eating healthy, fresh and whole seasonal foods. The kits will be carefully crafted with seasonal offerings and evolving recipes based on what is age-appropriate for the child. Her hope is to launch the business this spring. Stay tuned and keep up with Breana and GRK for updates! 

Rhylie’s Pops — Photograph by Brittany Cole

Rhylie’s Pops — Photograph by Brittany Cole


Breana wishes to share her knowledge with mothers who may feel discouraged when it comes to feeding their children. She aims to shift the idea of “adult food” and “kid food” by guiding new parents who feel overwhelmed by the thought of cooking healthy food for their child. She offers streamlined tips and tricks that have been successful for her and her daughter. Breana feels strongly about the importance of forming healthy eating habits for a child early on. Children's palates are constantly changing, and she believes it's possible to guide the child to healthy options that set the foundation of a palate that craves nutrient dense foods. 

Breana’s goal is to evolve her vision into how she can create a healthy baby food option — more to come on that soon. For now, follow along with Rhylie’s Paleo (@RhylieWinter), where she will be sharing baby and toddler food recipes, and baby food kits come spring. Our hope is to share her mission, and connect to the greater community.

Rhylie’s Pops — Photograph by Brittany Cole

Rhylie’s Pops — Photograph by Brittany Cole


Postpartum Stories Website / Instagram / Podcast on Apple

Rhylie’s Paleo Recipes Webpage / Instagram

Kraft Bar Website / Instagram

Rhylie’s Paleo Baby Food — Photograph by Brittany Cole

Rhylie’s Paleo Baby Food — Photograph by Brittany Cole


Wishing you wellness, always,

Mary, Breana & the GRK Team

Mary Smith has her Bachelor’s of Science in Nutrition and Food Science, and serves as GRK’s in-house nutrition expert.

Brittany Cole is a photographer and writer based in Santa Cruz, CA; you can find her work here.


Partner Spotlight: Lalita Kaewsawang of Hanloh Thai Food


Magical Bone Broth